Task 5837095840776192
wallet: Utilize IsMine() and CanProvide() in migration to cover edge cases
2024-12-13 22:07:35 aborted worker:ci_worker_1732185350_500880978 pull/31495 0618d9ca1ec3477608b503c666263c9c1c4868fa- ccache_hitrate:
- docker_build_cached:
Commands that took longer than 1 second (total 2m50s)
line | duration | percentage | command |
292 | 10s | 5% | bash -c 'dnf -y install epel-release' |
352 | 25s | 14% | bash -c 'dnf -y --allowerasing install gcc-toolset-12-gcc-c++ glibc-devel.x86_64 gcc-toolset-12-libstdc++-devel.x86_64 glibc-devel.i686 gcc-toolset-12-libstdc++-devel.i686 ccache make git python3 python3-pip which patch lbzip2 xz procps-ng dash rsync coreutils bison e2fsprogs cmake ' |
1232 | 1s | 0% | retry -- pip3 install --user pyzmq |
1243 | 6s | 3% | git config --global ci.base-install-done true |