Task 5127741522051072

test: cover base32/base58/base64 with symmetric roundtrip fuzz (and padding) tests

2024-12-05 09:24:04 aborted worker:ci_worker_1732185959_837445546 pull/30746 21c386bfe450f8a2863265dc3f99fc8b5690d47b

Commands that took longer than 1 second (total 3m7s)
29710s5%bash -c 'dnf -y install epel-release'
35727s14%bash -c 'dnf -y --allowerasing install gcc-c++ glibc-devel.x86_64 libstdc++-devel.x86_64 glibc-devel.i686 libstdc++-devel.i686 ccache make git python3 python3-pip which patch lbzip2 xz procps-ng dash rsync coreutils bison e2fsprogs cmake '
11271s0%retry -- pip3 install --user pyzmq
11386s3%git config --global ci.base-install-done true
117712s6%podman container rm --force --all
11821s0%podman image prune --force --external
14496s3%bash -c 'CONFIG_SHELL=/bin/dash make -j10 -C depends HOST=i686-pc-linux-gnu LOG=1'
146913s6%bash -c 'cmake -S /ci_container_base -DBUILD_BENCH=ON -DBUILD_FUZZ_BINARY=ON -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/ci_container_base/depends/i686-pc-linux-gnu/toolchain.cmake -DENABLE_EXTERNAL_SIGNER=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/ci_container_base/ci/scratch/out -DWITH_ZMQ=ON -DBUILD_GUI=ON -DREDUCE_EXPORTS=ON || ( (cat CMakeFiles/CMakeConfigureLog.yaml) && false)'
181230s16%bash -c 'cmake --build . -j10 --target all install'
  • worker:ci_worker_1732185959_837445546
  • 32-bit CentOS, dash, gui
  • pull/30746